Chart Your Course
Rise and shine! This would make an excellent sunrise paddle on the open lake at the Spillway. From Hwy 2 take turns to Lake D’Arbonne Spillway.
Compass Coordinates
Spillway North 32.7147/92.3424
Spillway South 32.7069/92.3424 (.5)
Chapel 32.7229/92.3431 (3.5)
Prospecting Treasure
Launch here and enjoy an early morning open water paddle across the largest expanse of the lake then end at the lake “on the water” chapel service at 8:30.
Castaway Dangers
Open water with wind is the biggest challenge. Stay away from the spillway buoys to avoid strong currents.
Scouting History
Lake D’Arbonne just celebrated 50 Years since it’s inception in 1962. Pictures of the early construction are available at Union Parish Library
Lies and Legends
The Lake D’Arbonne Chapel is a nondenominational service that meets Easter through first week in October.