Chart Your Course
Birds of a feather…paddle together. Take a short cut to the most primitive part of the refuge from Downsville where “bird enthusiasts” will find unique sightings. An overlook is available, but it’s best explored by water.
Compass Coordinates
Refuge Tower 32.6161/92.2406
(boat launch to the right)
Prospecting Treasure
Birding is the key treasure here. Find unique species of birds that roost here in the evenings. And evening paddle would be a great time to explore!
Castaway Dangers
Paddling through some parts of the refuge can be overgrown with marsh.
Scouting History
This is part of the Lake D’Arbonne Refuge. Migratory birds are fed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service during the year and find sanctuary in no-hunting portions of the refuge.
Lies and Legends
For a complete map of the D’Arbonne Refuge area including a link to the EBird (National Audubon Society link of sightings on D’Aronne) visit