Chart Your Course
For a stay-cation, start at the Lake D’Arbonne State Park on Hwy 2 towards Bernice for a camp & geocache!y.
Compass Coordinates
State Park 32.7129/92.3388
Mixing Hole 32.7521/92.4968 (2.5)
Prospecting Treasure
Hidden geocaches can be found at specific locations, but if you leave the park and go Southeast you will meander around cypress trees and islands an emerge at the infamous mixing hole known for fishing and teal.
Castaway Dangers
During duck hunting season be wary, this trail goes by Teal hunting blinds.
Scouting History
The Lake D’Arbonne State Park also features tennis courts, swimming pools, campgrounds, cabins, and walking trails. Make a weekend of this trail and enjoy the park benefits! They also RENT kayaks and canoes! Visit online:
Lies and Legends
To find locations of geocache sites in the water and around the park, visit